Sylvia Kouvali Gallery

The conversion of a Mayfair mews garage into a gallery for Sylvia Kouvali. The strong material qualities of the historic tiled interior are emphasised through sparse, minimal interventions. An ad-hoc approach to the lighting enables the environment to be adjusted for each new show through direct collaboration with the exhibiting artists. The ceiling becomes a blank, enigmatic surface.

Featured in the Architects’ Journal, May 2020.

Installation views: Bad House by Shahryar Nashat (January 2020), One by One by Apostolos Georgiou (July 2020), Home vs. Owner by Sidsel Meineche Hansen (October 2020), Young and Clueless by Hadi Fallahpisheh (October 2021), O’ thee lil’ by David Douard (December 2021), *standstill group show (February 2022), Proxies by Iman Issa (April 2022), His Garden by Bernat Klein (June 2022), mothers by Iris Touliatou (October 2022), Painting by Eftihis Patsourakis (February 2023), A Bird in Search of a Cage by Menelaos Karamaghiolis (April 2023), God’s Facsimiles by Nour Mobarak (June 2023), VOL. XXIX & VOL. XXX by Haris Epaminonda (October 2023), Ruined group show (January 2024), In No Time by Liliana Moro (March 2024), Living Amidst the Death by Anna Boghiguian (October 2024).

Photography by David Grandorge, Lewis Ronald, Deniz Guzel (courtesy RODEO / Sylvia Kouvali Gallery, London / Piraeus)